As we get closer to the BRCA AGM we have created a short guide

You can download the guide here: 

How to Count Votes:

1.Proposal for change of the Association Constitution shall require a two thirds majority of members present at an AGM conference.

2.Proposal for change of the Association General Rule shall require a two-thirds majority of members present at an AGM conference.

3.Elections of all officers (including Section officers) shall be decided as follows:

  (a)  For one candidate only: A simple majority vote of those members present, abstentions not considered.

  (b)  For two candidates only: A simple majority vote of those members present, abstentions not considered.

  (c)  For more than two candidates: First: Vote taken for all candidates.

  Then: A second vote including only the two candidates with the highest votes. This will be decided by a simple majority, abstentions not considered.

4.Proposals for change to Construction and Procedure Rules within Section conferences shall require an overall majority (min. 51%) of those members present.

How to Count Votes:

Ensure you know the number of Voters eligible. Take Votes For, Against and Abstentions. Really important: Ensure abstention votes are counted and noted.

  Example a) – 50 eligible Members Present and the room votes :- 21 For, 20 against, 9 abstain. Proposal fails

  Example b) – 50 eligible Members Present and the room votes :- 26 For, 23 against, 1 abstain. Proposal Passes

In the two examples it looks at a glance like they should both pass, as there is a majority for, however our constitution states that it’s “Members Present”. So to win the vote (Pass the proposal) the vote needs to be a MAJORITY OF PRESENT Voters.

The Maths: Total voters (TV) 50, needs a majority of members present, > 51% of TV to be successful so needs 25+

Room* includes those online voting during an Hybrid meeting

You can down load the guide here: